"So who is the lawyer?"
"I am not sure lawyers are going to be involved in the what I call an interim order given that the investigation into the First Family's Panama accounts will now take place and..."
"Panama, Pajama who cares?"
"Your English pronunciation is as good as that of the Deputy Prime Minister currently holding in Washington DC..."
"Hey, he went to attend the annual meetings of international institutions who give him money..."
"Give him money! Don't be silly, they give money to Pakistan and you and I get to pay the money back through taxes..."
"I will have you know that Dar sahib also pays taxes."
"On his income as the Finance Minister, a salary paid by the taxpayers and I bet you anything his foreign tours at state expense are multiples of the tax he pays and..."
"You are just being personal...he follows all rules and regulations and need I add if you were referring to his need to hire a lawyer then let me assure you that he doesn't need one because an Approver is exempt from prosecution by the state that incidentally his samdhi controls."
"I don't get it: Dar sahib says that the more than forth page hand written confessional statement he signed in front of a magistrate was under torture so then doesn't his Approver status stands null and void and so he can be prosecuted again?"
"No, that would disallow him from having his cake and eating it too."
"Don't be facetious, anyway, the lawyer I referred to was the one that the Man Who Shall Remain Nameless of the Sharif Family's cricket has said they have consulted with lawyers and will take India to court for not playing with Pakistan as per contract..."
"So who is the lawyer? If the lawyer is a member of the First Family's legal team then perhaps a letter from the Emirates that India violated..."
"Oh shush, this is serious, India apparently signed a contract and..."
"How about hiring a member of The Khan's..."
"The Khan must be careful of what he says and be guided by logic. The Sharifs may be adept at convincing shall we say several parliamentarians, but don't forget the well entrenched culture of lotacracy (turncoats with a love of a funny shared receptacle of water), the bureaucrats, susceptible to say the least, and perhaps some members of what we refer to as the Third and Fourth estates but the Sharifs would ever offer a bribe to The Khan or even a monetary bribe to Zardari sahib."
"I agree, it's who to approach with what that is marks our status quo parties and The Khan does not qualify at all."
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